![Dr. Firouz Matlobi Moghaddam](images/members/doctor-matloubi.jpg)
Personal Data
Surname : Matloubi Moghaddam
Name : Firouz
Date of Birth : Feb/4/1951
Address : Department of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology,
P.O. Box, 11155-9516 Tehran/Iran
Email : matloubi [at] sharif dot edu
Tel : 98-21-66165309
Languages : French, English, German, Azeri & Persian
Educational Background
- Doctorat d'Etat, Organic Chemistry, Louis pasteur University, Strasbourg, France. Oct. 1981.
- Doct. 3eme cycle, Organic Chemistry, Louis pasteur University, Strasbourg, France. Jun. 1978.
- M.Sc. Organic Chemistry, Tabriz University, Tabriz/Iran. Jun. 1976.
- B.Sc. Chemistry, Tabriz University, Tabriz/Iran Jun 1974.
Professional Background
- Instructor, Louis pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, 1978 - 1979.
- Associate Asistant, Louis pasteur University, Strasbourg, France. 1979 - 1982.
- Asistant Professor, Sharif University of Technology(SUT), 1985 - 1993.
- Associate Professor, SUT, 1993 - 1998
- Full Professor, SUT, 1998 - present
- Visiting Professor, Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich, June - Sept. 1991.
- Visiting Professor, Chemistry Institute, University of Strasbourg, France, June - Sept. 1992.
- Visiting Scientist, College of pharmacy, University of Houston, USA. Oct. 1995 - Aug. 1996.
- Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Newark, Delaware, USA. 2001 - 2002
- PostDoctoral Research Associate, with Prof. Dr. C. H. Eugster, Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich Switzerland, 1982 - 1984.
- Post Doctoral Research Associate, with Prof. Dr. A. Vasella, Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1984 - 1985.
- Joint Research project, Prof. Dr. P. Ruedi: Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich.
- Instructor, Louis pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, 1978-1979.
- Associate Asistant, Louis pasteur University, Strasbourg, France. 1979-1982.
- Asistant Professor, Sharif University of Technology(SUT), 1985-1993.
- Associate Professor, SUT, 1993- 1998
- Full Professor, SUT, 1998-present
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, with Prof. Dr. C. H. Eugster, Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich Switzerland, 1982-1984.
- Post- Doctoral Research Associate, with Prof. Dr. A. Vasella, Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1984-1985.
- Visiting Professor, Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich, June-Sept. 1991.
- Visiting Professor, Chemistry Institute, University of Strasbourg, France, June- Sept. 1992.
- Visiting Scientist, College of pharmacy, University of Houston, USA. Oct. 1995- Aug. 1996.
- Visiting Scientist, Department of Chemistry&Biochemistry, University of Newark, Delaware,USA. 2001-2002
- Visiting Professor, Chemistry Institute, University of Strasbourg, France, June- Sept. 2008.
- Joint Research project, Prof. Dr. P. Ruedi: Organic Chemistry Institute, University of Zurich.
Selected Publications
- F. M. Moghaddam, Z. Mirjafary, H. Saeidian, S. taheri, M. R. Khodabakhshi, A new of convenient approach to heterotetracyclic benzoxazocines through addition 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds to quinolium salts, Tetrahedron letters, 2010, 57, 2704-2707.
- F. M. Moghaddam, H. Saeidian, M. Kiamehr, Z. Mirjafary, S. taheri, The synthesis of dibenzazocine via tandem dinucleophilic addition of phenols to quinolium salts, Arkivoc 2010, 91-100.
- F. M. Moghaddam, M. M. Farimani, M. Seirafi, S. Taheri, H. R. Khavasi, Sesterpenoids and other constituents of salvia sahendica, J. Nat. Prod. 2010, 73, 1601-1605.
- F. M. Moghaddam, G. Rezanejade Bardajee, M. Doulabi, An efficient one-pot synthesis of tri-substituted thiophenes via a multicomponent reaction in water, journal of sulfur chemistry, 2010, 31, 387-393.
- F. M. Moghaddam, M. Kiamehr, M.R. Khodabakhshi, Z. Mirjafary, S. Fathi, H. Saeidian, Anew domino Knovenogel-Hetero-Diels-Alder: an effiecient catalyst-free synthesis of novel thiochromene-annulated thiopyranocumarin derivatives in aqueous medium, Tetrahedron , 2010, 66, 8615-8622.
- F. M. Moghaddam, M. Kiamehr., Site-selective and regioselective Diels alder reaction of allenyl aryl ethers, Monatsh Chem, 2010, 141, 1333-1337.
- F. M. Moghaddam, B. koushki Foroushani, , H. Saeidian, S. Nourian, Z. Mirjafary, M. Kiamehr, Efficient and green synthesis of new polycyclic procyanidin derivatives via tandem dinucleophilic addition of indoline-2-thiones to flavyliumsalts, Pure Appl. Chem., 2011, 83, 709-713.
- F. M. Moghaddam, S. taheri , Z. Mirjafary, H. Saeidian, M. Kiamehr, M. Tafazzoli, A facile synthesis of brighed polycyclic naphthooxazocine skeletons: Eight-membered-ring constructions via tandem dinucleophilic addition of naphthalenols of quinolium salts, Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2011, 94, 142-147.
- M. M. Farimani, F. M. Moghaddam, G. Amin, A lupane triterpenoid and other constituents of Salvia eremophila, .J. Nat. Prod. Res, 2011, 1-5.
- F. Matloubi Moghaddam, S. Taheri, L. Hojabri, P. Pirani , S. Maktabian, An Efficient Synthesis of Fused Polycyclic Indole Derivatives via Aldol-Hetero Diels-Alder reaction of unsaturated Thio-oxindoles with various dienophiles, J. Iran. Chem. Soc., 2011, 8, 265-271.
- F. M. Moghaddam, B. koushki Foroushani, E. L. Kalahroudi, An Efficient synthesis of the 2H-pyrano [3,2-c]quinolone-2,5 (6H)-dione system via tandem reaction of 4-hydroxyquinoline to Baylis-Hilman Adduct acetates, Letter in organic chemistry, 2012, 9,756-761.
- F. M. Moghaddam, , Z. Mirjafary, H. Saeidian, B. K. Foroushani, S. Nourian, An efficient synthesis of bicycle [3.3.1]nonane systems via tandem 1,3-dinucleophilic addition of 4-hydroxy-2-quinolnones to quinolium salts , Synthetic Communication, 2012, 42, 1941-1949.
- Pyridinium salts—versatile reagents for the regioselective synthesis of functionalized thiazocino[2,3-b] indoles by tandem dinucleophilic reactions of thiooxindoles M. Kiamehr, F. M. Moghaddam, P. V. Gormay, V. Semeniuchenko, A. Villinger, P. Langer, V. O. Iaroshenko, Tetrahedron, 2012, 68,9685-9693. F. M. Moghaddam, M. Kiamehr, M. R. Khodabakhshi, M. J. Javan, S. Fathi, A. Villinger, V. O. Iaroshenko, P. Langer, One-Pot, Three-Component Regiospecific Synthesis of a 3,3′-Dispiropyrrolidine Oxindole Derivatives by [3+2] Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction of Azomethine Ylides. Helvetica Chimica Acta, accepted Manuscript, DOI: 10.1002/ hlca.201200602
- F. M. Moghaddam , M. R. Khodabakhshi, Z. Ghahremannejad, B. K. Foroushani , S. W. Ng. A one-pot, three-component regiospecific synthesis of dispiropyrrolidines containing a thiophenone ring via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of azomethine ylides. Tetrahedron Letters, 2013, 54, 2520–2524.
- F. M. Moghaddam, M. R. Khodabakhshi, M. Kiamehr, Z. Ghahremannejad, Synthesis of novel pentacyclic thiopyrano indole-annulated benzo-δ-sultone derivatives via a domino Knoevenagel-hetero-Diels–Alder reaction in water, Tetrahedron Letters, , 2013, 54, 2685-2689.